Larifon ≈ Florian Kühnle.
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I work with image, moving image, computer code, space, sound.
I am a designer, artist, engineer and educator.


Instagram: @florian.kuehnle

Professional life

2022         _ Professor of Design Fundamentals - Process and Interaction at Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle.
2019 - 2022 _ Professor - Interactive Environments at University of Applied Sciences / FH Bielefeld, Faculty of Design.
2014 - 2019 _ Research Assistant - Media Spaces at BTK University of Art & Design, Berlin.
2014 - 20xx _ Freelance Art Director.
2010 - 2014 _ Art Director at INTERPOL+- Interdisciplinary Studios, Berlin.
2009 - 2010 _ Guest Lecturer, Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia.
2004 - 2010 _ Freelance Soundengineer for Videoart, Soundart, Installation, Film, Music and Radioplay.


2007 - 2010 _ Art and Media (Kunst und Medien). Graduation as Meisterschüler, University of the Arts, Berlin.
2008 - 2009 _ New Media. Studies at Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn, Estonia.
2001 - 2007 _ Soundengineer (Tonmeister) for Audiovisual Media. Graduation with Diploma from Filmschool HFF Konrad Wolf, Potsdam.


2021 _ Aventures et nouvelles Aventures, Festival La Bâtie, Salle du Lignon, Grand Théâtre de Genève (CH).
2018 _ ERROR – The Art of Imperfection / Ars Electronica Export, VW Drive, Berlin - DIN.
2017 _ Luxembourg Light Festival 2017, Luxembourg (LU) - PUBLITHOGRAPHICS.
2016 _ Different Perspectives - Prokop Bartonícek & Florian Kühnle, ExPost, Prague (CZ) - PRISM.
2016 _ Interactions Gallery, British HCI 2016 Conference ‘Fusion’, Bournemouth (UK) - FALLING.
2015 _ Foryard Backward Hoffest, Berlin (Gruppenausstellung) - FALLING.
2014 _ Locus Focus, Städtische Galerie Iserlohn (Gruppenausstellung) - KILL THE CENTRAL PERSPECTIVE.
2010 _ Varia Zoosystematica Profundorum, Großer Wasserspeicher, Berlin (Gruppenausstellung) - GLOMUS RAUCUS P.
2008 _ Pixelache Festival, Helsinki (FI) (Gruppenausstellung) - CINEMA’S VOICE VECTORS.


2018 _ ZWISCHENDINGE, in ‘Mediale Räume, ed. Dr. Stephan Günzel, Kadmos Kulturverlag, Berlin.
2018 _ TEN QUESTIONS ON MEDIA SPACES (EXPERT INTERIEWS), in ‘Mediale Räume’, ed. Dr. Stephan Günzel, Kadmos Kulturverlag, Berlin.
2017 _ CHAOS/ORDER/CHAOS – An Interactive Multimedia Sculpture (short paper / peer-reviewed) with Hasbani, Khoury, Berkel, Rohrmoser, Wolf, Art Track of MUM 2017 Conference, Stuttgart.
2017 _ NOTES ON CREATING IN-BETWEENS (full paper / peer-reviewed), in Proceedings of CA2RE (Conference for artistic and architectural (doctoral) research), 7-9 April 2017, KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, 9000 Gent (BE).
2016 _ FALLING - an interactive artwork for a real tree and its augmented shadow (short paper / peer- reviewed), BCS Learning and Development Ltd. Proceedings of British HCI 2016 Conference ‘Fusion’, Bournemouth (UK).

Presentations / Talks

2021 _ Futur21 Konferenz, Industriemuseum Zeche Zollern, Essen.
2021 _ 50 Jahre Zukunft, Digitalisierungskongress der FH Bielefeld.
2019 _ Short Statement on Teaching Patching. teaching patching Mini-Conference, NODE Institute / vvvv Group, Berlin.
2019 _ Augmenting Photography. Impulse lecture and workshop, Writing Photographs Research Group, London College of Communication (University of the Arts London, Prof. Wiebke Leister and Prof. Beverley Carruthers), London.
2018 _ Prozess als Material - der Entwurfsprozess in der digitalen Medienkunst. subnetTALK, FH Salzburg, Center for Human-Computer Interaction at Schmiede Playground Of Ideas, Hallein, Österreich.
2017 _ VR meets RR / Prism, an interactive installation. Virtual Reality-Symposion of Institut für gestalterisches Forschen (IF), BTK – Hochschule für Gestaltung, Berlin.
2017 _ NOTES ON CREATING IN-BETWEENS. Presentation at CA2RE (Conference for artistic and architectural (doctoral) research), KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Gent (BE).
2017 _ CREATING IN-BETWEENS. Impulse Lecture at Department Space & Design Strategies, Kunstuniversität Linz (AT).


2017 _ Travel grant, BTK Hochschule für Gestaltung, for CA2RE (Conference for artistic and architectural (doctoral) research), Gent (BE).
2016 _ Exhibition grant (mit P. Bartoníček), for ‘Different Perspectives’, Česko-německý Fond Budoucnosti / Deutsch-Tschechischer Zukunftsfonds.
2016 _ Travel grant, BTK Hochschule für Gestaltung zur British HCI 2016 Conference Fusion, Bournemouth (UK).
2009 _ Erasmus stipend, exchange semester to Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn (EE).
2008 _ Artist In Residence, Tonspur Klangkunstgalerie, Museumsquartier Wien (AT).


2022 _ Grundlagen Medialer Raum, Grundlagenseminar (FHB).
2021 _ Mediale Ausstellungsszenografie, Gestaltungsseminar 3.-7. Semester (FHB).
2021 _ Spekulative Visualisierung - interaktive Infografik und spekulative Zukünfte, Gestaltungsseminar 3.-7. Semester (FHB).
2021 _ Coding Basics für Designer, Grundlagenseminar Technik (FHB).
2020 _ Projection Playground - mediale Bühnebilder für eine Konferenz, Gestaltungsseminar 3.-7. Semester (FHB).
2020 _ Immersive Improvisation: Kooperative Gestaltungsprozesse in Echtzeit auf Distanz (aka „Die nonverbale Videokonferenz“), Gestaltungsseminar 3.-7. Semester (FHB).
2019 _ Augmenting Photography. Workshop, Writing Photographs Research Group (University of the Arts London).
2019 _ Public Media Art, Gestaltungsseminar 3.-7. Semester (FHB).
2019 _ Generative Gestaltung, Grundlagenseminar Technik (FHB).
2018 _ Interdisciplinary Project 1, Praxisseminar, WS 2018 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2018 _ Touch Designer Basics, Programmierung interaktiver Medien, WS 2018 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2018 _ Interdisciplinary Project 2, Praxisseminar, SS 2018 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2018 _ Touch Designer Basics, Programmierung interaktiver Medien, SS 2018 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2017 _ Interdisciplinary Project 1, Praxisseminar, WS 2017 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2017 _ Hybrid Media / VVVV, Programmierung interaktiver Medien, WS 2017 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2017 _ Synced Screens, Multichannel- & Interaktive Videoinstallation, WS 2017 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2017 _ Interdisciplinary Project 2, Praxisseminar, SS 2017 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2017 _ Synced Screens Elective, Praxisseminar, SS 2017 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2017 _ Workshop Sound, Sound-Aufnahme- und Bearbeitung, SS 2017 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2016 _ Interdisciplinary Project 1, Praxisseminar, WS 2016 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2016 _ Programming for Designers, Programmierung interaktiver Medien, WS 2016 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2016 _ Interdisciplinary Project 2, Praxisseminar, SS 2016 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2015 _ Interdisciplinary Project 1, Praxisseminar, WS 2015 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2015 _ Programming for Designers, Programmierung interaktiver Medien, WS 2015 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2015 _ Interdisciplinary Project 2, Praxisseminar, SS 2015 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2015 _ Creative Coding, Grundlagenseminar, SS 2015 - Interaction Design (BA), BTK.
2014 _ Interdisciplinary Project 1, Praxisseminar, WS 2014 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2014 _ In Bewegung, Praxisseminar, WS 2014 - Interaction Design (BA), BTK.
2014 _ Programming for Designers, Programmierung interaktiver Medien, WS 2014 - Media Spaces (MA), BTK.
2010 _ Masterclass Sound, Workshop Sound im Studiengang New Media - Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn (EE).
2010 _ Voices Of Wedding - Tonmeister bei einem Schüler-Workshop mit Klangkünstler Andres Bosshard (CH).
2009 _ Masterclass Sound, Seminar im Studiengang New Media - Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn (EE).

Filmography (partial)

American Night - Location Recording.
5-channel film installation, 16mm. D: Julian Rosefeldt, P: Julian Rosefeldt, Sandi Knape. Jan 2009.
Avalancha - Location Recording.
Videoinstallation for 3 Screens, 35mm. D: Sergio Belinchon, P: Wassili Zygouris. July 2007.
Milk - Location Recording, Sounddesign.
Videoinstallation for 3 Screens, Mini35, 80 min, 3 x Stereo. D: Julian Rodefeldt, P: Wassili Zygouris. July 2007.
Ship of Fools - Location Recording, Sounddesign.
Videoinstallation for 4 Screens, 35mm, 12 min, 4 x Stereo. D: Julian Rosefeldt, P: Wassili Zygouris / Rohkunstbau. April 2007.
Unité d' habitation - Sounddesign (with M. Stemler).
HD, 9 min, Stereo. D: Nuno Cera, P: Centro Cultural de Bélem, Lisboa. Nov 2006.
The Ballad Battle - Upmix and Mastering from Stereo to Dolby Digital.
35mm, 5 min, Dolby Digital. D: Dirk Hendler, P: HFF Konrad Wolf. July 2006.
Stille Post - Location Recording.
D: Oliver Rauch, P: Credo-Film. May 2006.
Jagdhunde (Hounds) - Location Recording, Location Sound Editing, Dubbing Assistance.
S16mm, 90 min, Dolby Stereo. D: Ann-Kristin Reyels, P: HFF / ZDF / CredoFilm. Feb - Dec 2006. (FIPRESCI-Price Berlinale 2007, Filmkunstpreis 2007, DEFA-Nachwuchspreis 2007)
Sonja - Ambience Editing, Film Score Dubbing.
35mm, 72 min, Dolby Digital. D: Kirsi Marie Liimatainen, P: HFF. Sept 2005.
Schwarze Schafe (Black Sheep) - Location Recording.
Mini-DV, 120 min, Dolby Stereo. D: Oliver Rihs, P: Olivier Kolb, Oliver Rihs. July - Aug 2005.
Hog Heaven - Sound Editing, Sounddesign.
35mm; 20 min, Dolby Digital EX. D: Monika Woityllo, P: HFF. June 2005.
Raptus (The Rape Of The Sabine Women) - Sound Assistant.
HD, ~90 min, Dolby Digital EX. D: Eve Sussman, P: The Rufus Corporation / Eve Sussmann. May 2005.
Little Miss Perfect - Location Recording.
Mini-DV, 30 min. D: Nica Junker, P: HFF / ORB. Aug 2004.
Autobahn - Sound Editing (with B. Krbetschek).
S16mm. D: Bartosz Werner, P: HFF. June 2004.
10 Minuten blieben übrig - Location Recording.
Mini-DV. D: Daniel Lang, P: HFF. June 2004.
DIM - Location Recording.
S16mm, 15 min, Dolby Stereo. D: Ann-Kristin Reyels, P: HFF. June 2003.
Pandora - Sounddesign.
35 mm, 7 min, Dolby Stereo. D: Johannes Neumann, P: HFF. March 2003.
Coda - Location Recording.
Mini-DV, 5 min, Stereo. D: IJ. Biermann, P: IJ. Biermann. Dec 2002.
Zwischen Flieder wandern und singen - Location Recording, Sound Editing, Dubbing.
DVCPro, 15 min, Dolby Stereo. D: IJ. Biermann, P: IJ. Biermann / HFF. July 2002.


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